
Academic Skills through Ed Tech (ASETs)

The ASETs are an academic toolbox - they are practically useful, but also embed important ways of thinking. 

Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset is the attitude to life that deals with challenges, positively, learns from failure and mistakes, and is constantly on the lookout for opportunities to develop. There are two key aspects: Effort - work hard, don't give up Strategic thinking - if something is not working, try a different way While the concept is easy to understand, its implementation in the classroom can be, well... challenging.

Project Based Learning (PBL)

How do you move away from test-driven, superficial, rote learning, and promote creativity, engagement and real learning? Project-Based Learning is an approach that promises to do that. It is particularly powerful when used in tandem with an intentional link to the Habits of Mind.

Teach with Tech

Ed Tech is great. But it must always be used in service to educational goals. Here are some practical ways of using tech in the classroom.

Teaching and Learning

Re-think some of the "tried and tested" ways of doing things in the classroom. Here are some ideas to play with.

Tech Tips

Here are some simple tips and tricks to make your life easier.


The Teach Like a Champion books by Doug Lemov offer many useful ways of organising and running lessons in the classroom. There is little there about how tech might be integrated into lessons. Here are some ideas of how to marry Tech and TLAC.


Theory plays an important role in assisting us when making design decisions. Our ideas about education, people and the world we live in shape and guide all that we do as teachers.  

If you are interested in learning more about Chromebooks and how to use them in the classroom, here are some wonderful resources. These could be your personal PD for the next few years!