I do, We do, You do

In TLAC, there is a basic flow to a lesson: 

  • I do - teacher delivers key information/models/demonstrates
  • We do - teacher asks students to HELP at key points and gradually offers less assistance
  • You do - students practise the work on their own and teacher helps where necessary

How would you achieve this in Google Classroom?

In Google Classroom, you can use different ways of sharing resources and interacting with the class.

    • I do: Share any resource - a video, briefing document, website. If you are sharing a document from your Drive, make sure it is set to “Students can view file”.
    • We do 1: Ask a question, and then have students “discuss” by commenting on each other’s answers; take part in the discussion too.
    • We do 2 - Templates: Create an assignment which uses a worksheet of some kind, with instructions and scaffolding. The template helps the student, but still requires the student to do a lot of the work (more or less depending on the skill level). This also makes the students and your life easier because the file is already in the right place. It can’t get lost. Set the assignment to “Make a copy for each student”.
  • We do 3 - Collaborate: Share a file with the class using the setting “Students can edit the file”. This means anyone in the class can work on the same file.
  • You do: Either share a very empty template, or just set up an assignment without a template. Give clear instructions in the assignment, and then the students do the doing.

You do - Personalise: When you set up an assignment or anything else on Classroom, you can assign it to “All Students” or you can click on the dropdown and select specific students to receive the assignment. So some could receive a more filled-in template, and others an emptier one.  

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