What is the 14th Habit of Mind? When was the last time you exercised this habit in a class?
To launch a project, it is important to create some kind of an excited “vibe”. There are many different ways of doing this. Creativity, fun and resourcefulness are called for!
- A well-chosen video clip
- A guest speaker via Zoom or WhatsApp
- Dressing up (you or the students)
- Doing an activity outside of the classroom
- Virtual field trips (and if you haven’t looked at https://artsandculture.google.com/ please do; you will not regret it!); visit places using Google Maps (eg with an international treasure hunt).
- Real-life scenario/case study to be solved
- Interesting objects brought to class.
Let us work towards making schooling fun, memorable and invigorating. There is so much more to education than “covering the content”!