Separating Step 2 (Gathering Information) from this step allows for a proper focus on making the most of the information which has been gathered. This does not mean that there one cannot go back to gather more info as gaps might become apparent.
Some examples:
- Arrange chaotic information on a rough mindmap by selecting a few Basic Ordering Ideas (BOIs) and then placing other ideas as branches and sub-branches off the BOIs. (See Tony Buzan on mindmaps)
- Use the information to create an outline for an essay, speech or presentation. Use survey data (collected in a spreadsheet using a Google Form) to create a Pivot Table and Pivot Charts.
These Habits of Mind are particularly relevant.
Some Other Ideas
Calculations and Graphs: Use a spreadsheet to perform complex, repetitive calculations using formulas, and then draw graphs of results to show trends or make comparisons.
Pivot Table/Chart: Work with variables in a dynamic flexible manner to see patterns in survey or experiment data using Pivot Charts
Mindmap: Use a mindmap to create an outline - export to text and then import into a document
Location in Time: Use a spreadsheet or to create a timeline online, collaboratively if necessary.
Geographic Location: Use Google Mymaps to locate relevant places, and use the markers to map out the relationship between certain points. Find datasets online and use them to investigate.
Structure an Argument: Use the outlining tool in your document to build an argument structure.